Non Boat Specific Larger Moody Wanted

  • Thread starter John Watts
  • Start date
Hi John,

You might get a better response if you post this on the "For sale or wanted" board, where you will also find several larger Moodys for sale.

Hi Peter,
I'm struggling to find how to move the ad

Sorry John, I don't know that.

You could just put another post on the For sale or wanted board or wait till a whizz kid like Dick comes along.

Hi Peter and John - you can't post in the For Sale board since you are a Registered Guest. If you wish to join as a Temporary Member you may do so! Sorry
Many thanks Neil.

Sorry John, poor advice on my part.

If you really want to learn about Moodys, you could, as Neil says, join as a Temporary member for a year for £22. Your membership would automatically change to full membership if / when you buy a Moody, large or small. Membership then costs £22 per year - I reckon I save several times that through information from this site. As you can see, I'm till learning.

Details of membership options here:

Joining options | Moody Owners Association

I believe you should be allowed to go there.
