Tim Stanbury
Hello everyone. I'm in the process of trying to purchase a 1995 38cc. She has had little use in the last 7 years but has been maintained by the same Suffolk based marine engineers with many updates during this time. I'm looking at using same people who seem very knowledgeable and easy to get on with to perform various works before we take her over, including new standing rigging and some interior woodwork. She is the standard keel version, I wasnt sure about the shoal option as quite enjoy my sailing especially in lighter winds. I dont particularly like being heeled over at a steep angle so the higher wind comments I did find on the 38 and 44 seemed appropriate to my sailing tastes, so decided the deeper keel was preferable, but maybe this was an error. I've had the chain plate area and keel bolts looked at, all seem OK. I'm doing this at arms length so havent actually viewed her personally. We are in the South West and I am a bit shall we say 'Covid sensitive' being an asthma sufferer I really dont want to catch it. So long jouneys involving motorway services and hotels arent for us at the moment. Consequently I need to find a delivery skipper to bring her down to the South West (Plymouth). Probably during October. Any advice ? (on any of the above). I've been around boats for most of my middle aged years, sailing from a child with the parents. I am well aware of the brand, but have never actually set foot on one. Purchase requirement was a sturdy, well made boat in good condition with a decent living space for 4 people maximum, 2 people most of the time. With an aft cabin and a comfortable bed. Nice to sail. Must be shaft drive. Doesnt leave too many choices when you start to narrow things down.